In compliance with Article. 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196 “Code concerning the protection of personal data” (hereinafter “D.Lgs 196/03”), we inform you that personal data you provide to Edelweiss Energia S.p.A. may be subject to treatment, in compliance with the above regulations and the obligations of confidentiality.
For treatment of personal data is meant their collection, recording, organization, storage, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, diffusion, cancellation and destruction.
The data will be processed for purposes related to mutual obligations arising from the contractual relationship established with you, in particular personal data are or may be processed for the following purposes:

  • Accomplishment of the obligations listed on the outstanding contract with the person concerned (physical / legal person);
  • realization of all operational and management activities related to this contract (eg. invoicing, credit protection and other administrative-, management- and organizational services which are functional in fulfilling the contract);
  • statistical enquiries on customer satisfaction;
  • Announcement of marketing programs promoted by Edelweiss Energia S.p.A.

The data will be processed using suitable means to ensure the security and confidentiality and can be performed using automated tools to store, manage and transmit the data.
Please also be advised that your personal data will be handled in accordance with the procedures indicated in Article. 11 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, which provides, inter alia, that the same data are:

  • lawfully and fairly processed;
  • collected and recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and used in other processing operations in a manner compatible with such purposes;
  • accurate and, where necessary, updated;
  • adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed;
  • stored in a form which permits identification of the person concerned for a duration not exceeding the lapse of time necessary for the purposes which they were collected or subsequently processed for.

We also advise you that (being understood the request for your consent where required by law) your personal details may be disclosed to:

  • parties (governments, authorities and banks) with whom it is appropriate to get in touch with in order to accomplish the relationship established with you;
  • the subjects for which, depending on the circumstances, the communication and dissemination of personal data is permitted without the consent of those who may be concerned, within the limitations of communication and diffusion necessary for the purpose;
  • business partners of the Company;
  • other parties to whom we entrust the task of shipping, communicating or forwarding printed documents, bundles or packages (even for commercial or advertising purposes).

We inform you that with regard to these treatments, you may exercise the rights as per Art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 whose full text is available at the offices of the undersigned company. In compliance with Article. 13, paragraph 1, lett. c) of law 196/2003, we inform you that your refusal to provide the data required to you at the time of collection, may result in the impossibility for the underesigned to establish or to regularly manage a contract with you.
Finally, we inform you that the data controller, in compliance with the Legislative Decree 196/2003, is Edelweiss Energia S.p.A., with registered office in Sarnico, Via Vittorio Veneto 42.
The data controller referred to in this disclosure is the Managing director Dott. Ing. Matteo Calvi domiciled at the registered office of the company; the exercise of rights under Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 may be carried out through a specific communication via fax to n. +39 035 0591201 addressed to the data controller or to

The Data controller

Edelweiss Energia S.p.A.